Where to begin? It's hard to sum up anyone on a single webpage! I'm Tiff. The handsome man in the photo with me is my husband Chris. I am a new(ish) mom and a lifelong writer. By day, I do the mommy thing, work when I can, and stalk the world of publishing, and by night, I write and edit and write some more, with some photography sprinkled in here and there. I love anything artsy, including music and movies and crocheting, and play the piano semi-well. But most of all, I love writing young adult novels.
I don't remember deciding to be a writer. It was so ingrained in me that I don't feel like it was ever a choice. I wrote my first story when I was in first grade and sent it off to the elementary school "publisher." I still have the original cardboard-and-contact-paper copy of Funny Little Brian--my first taste of the publishing world. When I was eleven I wrote my first novel in a week, and even though I'm convinced it's the worst novel of all time, I kept it as well.
Now, I try to write or edit every night. I thought that when I got older I'd outgrow young adult fiction, but it hasn't happened yet, and I doubt now that it ever will. I write some "grown-up" stuff from time to time, mostly just horror short stories and freelance work. But young adult novels are where my passion lies, and what I spend 99% of my writing time on. And recently I got an agent (the lovely Annie Bomke of Annie Bomke Literary Agency, so that I can hopefully get a book (or two or ten) on the shelves!
Welcome to Fictiffous, nice to meet you. :)